A High Quality video collection of Dr. Zakir Naik’s Debates and Lectures
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In-Shaa-Allah. More Video Will SOON.......
Courtesy of Truthway
Concept of God in Major Religions
Part 1: (VCD Quality/MPEG1) [962MB]
Part 2: (VCD Quality/MPEG1) [991MB] | |
Is the Quran God's Word
Part 1: (VCD Quality/MPEG1) [1.0GB]
Part 2: (VCD Quality/MPEG1) [1.1GB] | |
The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[2.6GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[466MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[178MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[98MB] | |
The New Collection
| ||
01. Quran and Modern Science
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[2.3GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[416MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[159MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[88MB] |
02. Quran and Science
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[963MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[171MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[65MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[36MB] |
03. Islam - An Introduction to Non-Muslims
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.7GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[312MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[119MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[66MB] |
04. Can Islam offer more to Mankind than Religion?
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[684MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[122MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[46MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[26MB] |
05. Moses Jesus Muhammad
A lecture by Dr. Zakir Naik at Birmingham University 6/3/2002.
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.4GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[249MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[95MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[52MB] |
06. Purpose of Creation
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.7GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[304MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[166MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[64MB] |
07. Al-Quran - Should it be Read with Understanding
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[902MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[160MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[61MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[34MB] |
08. Religion in Proper Context
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[250MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[45MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[17MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[9MB] |
09. The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam
Dr. Zakir Naik and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.2GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[210MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[80MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[44MB] |
10. Is The Quran God's Word?
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
11. Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.6GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[286MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[109MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[60MB] |
12. Is Non-Vegetarian Food Permitted or Prohibited for a HumanBeing
A debate between Dr. Zakir Naik vs Mr. Rashmibhai Zaveri
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[418MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[160MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[88MB] |
13. Reviving the Islamic Spirit
A lecture by Dr. Zakir Naik and Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.2GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[209MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[80MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[44MB] |
14. Press Debate
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.5GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[266MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[102MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[96MB] |
15. Similarities Between Hinuism and Islam (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[2.1GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[389MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[149MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[82MB] |
16. Terrorism and Jihad(added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.6GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[297MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[113MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[62MB] |
17. If the Label Shows Your Intent, Wear it (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.5GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[272MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[104MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[57MB] |
18. Legacy of the Prophets (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.6GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[294MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[112MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[62MB] |
19. Dare to Ask (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[371MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[66MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[25MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[14MB] |
20. Unity of the Ummah
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
21. Similarities Between Islam and Christianity (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.2GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[217MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[83MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[46MB] |
22. Concept of God in Hinduism, Christianity and Islam (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture by Dr. Zakir Naik and others
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.3GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[231MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[88MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[49MB] |
23 Terrorism in the Name of Islam(added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.3GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[239MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[91MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[50MB] |
24. Islam and Secularism
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
25. Hinduism and Islam (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[882MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[157MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[60MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[33MB] |
26. Why the west is Coming to Islam(added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[845MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[150MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[57MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[32MB] |
27. Is the Quran Gods Word (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[2.2GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[396MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[151MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[83MB] |
28. Misconceptions of Islam (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[843MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[150MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[57MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[32MB] |
29. Universal Brotherhood (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[999MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[177MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[68MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[37MB] |
30. Islam, Medical Science and Dietary laws
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
31. Was Christ Really Crucified
ADebate between Dr. Zakir Naik and Pastor Ruknuddin Pio
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
32. Media and Islam War or Peace(added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[2.1GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[386MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[147MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[81MB] |
33. Dawah or Destruction (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.4GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[248MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[95MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[52MB] |
34. Interest Free Economy Promulgated by Quran (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.3MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[241MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[92MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[51MB] |
35. Muhammed PBUH in the Various World Religious Scriptures (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[906MB]
(High Quality/WMV)[161MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[61] (Low Quality/WMV)[34MB] |
36. Salaah - The Programming Toward Righteousness (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.6GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[291MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[111MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[61MB] |
37. Media and Muslims (added on Oct 22nd, 09)
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[1.2GB]
(High Quality/WMV)[225MB] (Medium Quality/WMV)[86MB] (Low Quality/WMV)[47MB] |
38. TV Talks on Kuwait TV2
TV talks.
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
39. Focus on Islam and Universal Brotherhood
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
40. Women's Rights in Islam
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
41. Concept of God in Major Religions
A lecture
(VCD Quality/MPEG1)[]
(High Quality/WMV)[] (Medium Quality/WMV)[] (Low Quality/WMV)[] |
The End of the New Collection
In-Shaa-Allah. More Video Will SOON.......
Courtesy of Truthway
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